How to reduce belly fat by exercising

Before knowing how to reduce belly fat by exercising, we must know about belly fat and how it affects our health. Belly fat is the visceral fat that is found in the abdomen, close to the portal vein that supplies blood to the liver, and surrounds the liver and other internal organs. Three primary things mostly influence your weight: the number of calories you consume each day, the number of calories you burn each day when exercising, their age. You are more prone to gain weight, particularly belly fat if you eat too much and workout insufficiently. As you age, your muscle mass may somewhat decrease as your fat mass grows. Losing muscle mass also slows down your body’s rate of calorie burning, which can make it harder to keep weight under control.

A big question arises, how to reduce belly fat by exercising. According to studies, it is impossible to reduce body fat in one specific location (like the belly) at a time. But by raising your exercise regime and reducing your calorie intake, you can reduce your overall percentage of body fat. Crunches and other activities that target the abdominal region can help you do this, but exercising crunches alone won’t help you reduce belly fat. Visceral fat, however, reacts to the identical dietary and exercise plans that assist you in losing extra weight and reducing your body fat percentage.

This article will guide you through the full workout plan on how to reduce belly fat by exercising in seven days. You can burn that stubborn belly fat by performing the eight exercises below.

  • Jumping Jack

To perform this, stand up straight with your legs together and your arms by your sides. Start by jumping and raising your arms overhead while spreading your legs out to a width that is slightly more than your shoulder width. Return to the starting position and repeat.  Practice this for 45 seconds. Keep your knees soft, move with a big arm all the way overhead, and jump out and in while staying light on your feet. This is full-body conditioning in action. Jumping jacks aid in burning fat from the arms, legs, belly, and abdomen. It accelerates your metabolism to aid with weight loss and fat burning. Jumping jacks are very efficient weight-loss exercises for most individuals and assist you to burn a significant amount of calories.

  • Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are the best cardiovascular and muscular endurance exercises. Start in a high plank position with your palms squarely beneath your shoulders and your body in a straight line. Bring your knee up to your chest, jump, and then switch. Practice this for 45 seconds. Ensure that you are not raising your hips. Keep breathing while bringing your knees up to your chest. The glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and abs are key muscular groups that are all worked out by mountain climbers. It targets your core as well, making it the ideal exercise for getting rid of belly fat that won’t budge.

  • Elbow plank

An excellent exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles is the plank. Get on the floor on your elbows and toes to perform a plank. Your elbows have to be bent and positioned squarely beneath your shoulders. Maintain a straight posture throughout, squeeze your abs, and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Your body is more horizontal to the floor when you perform planks on your elbows, which makes your core muscles work harder to stabilize you. Elbow planks can help you strengthen your core while enhancing your balance and stability. Core stability can aid in proper spinal alignment and lessen the risk of injury and lower back pain. The amount of calories burned every minute ranges from two to five. Planks assist in maintaining higher levels of caloric expenditure during rest by building muscle and accelerating metabolism.

  • Flutter kicks

An exercise that primarily targets the lower abdominal wall is the flutter kick. This manoeuvre is carried out by sitting upright on the ground. Stretch your legs out in front of you while keeping your torso at 45 degrees. Lift your legs off the ground by contracting your abdominal muscles, then just do alternate up and down. To make it a little more difficult, clasp your hands in front and repeat the motion for 45 seconds. Avoid hunching over your shoulders, keep your back and neck neutral, and keep your body upright at an angle. Flutter kick exercises to aid in reducing excess fat from the hips, thighs, and belly. It is a great cardio exercise that tones your lower body muscles and aids in weight loss. Regular practice helps to improve posture, flexibility, and endurance.

  • High knees

High knees are a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) activity that is regarded as the perfect fat burner. Working as hard as you can for one minute on your high knees will burn roughly eight calories. Start by assuming a hip-distance stance. Lift the right knee as high as it will go, lift the opposite arm, and then quickly switch so the left knee is up before the right foot touches the ground. Keep quickly pulling your knees up while hopping back and forth for 45 seconds. When you do high knees, you work your core and strengthen your legs while also getting your blood pumping. It is an aerobic activity that will help you shed belly fat and get in shape again. High knees will activate your entire leg, develop your hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, build your lower body’s muscular endurance, coordination, balance, and flexibility, and accelerate your stride.

  • Russian twist

The Russian twist is a quick abdominal workout that works the core, shoulders, and hips. Sit straight. Knees are slightly bent while you lift your feet a little off the floor. Lock your fingers and rotate the trunk, bringing one elbow to the floor and slightly lowering your knees to the opposite side. Change sides. Exhale while rotating your trunk. Practice this for 45 seconds. A Russian twist works your hip flexors, shoulders, and upper back while toning your core and all other abdominal muscles, especially your obliques, for a slimmer waistline.

  • Leg tuck-ins

Sit with your hands on the mat, elbows bent, legs fully stretched in the air, and lean back slightly. Bend your legs and bring your knees up to your chest as you exhale. Hold for a second or two, breathe in, and then completely extend your legs back to the starting position. Practice this for 45 seconds. Leg tucks are an exercise that strengthens and stretches the muscles in your hip flexors and core. The abdominals (rectus abdominis) are predominantly exercised while your knees are at your chest, and your hips (iliopsoas) are also involved when your legs are extended.

  • Bicycle crunches

Start by resting on the ground with your head and shoulders elevated slightly above it and your lower back pressed flat into the ground. Place your hands on the sides of your head; do not knit your fingers behind. Kindly bring your right knee to your chest and touch it with your left elbow. Alternate the crunch by connecting the other knee with the opposite elbow and extending that other leg. Perform 3–4 sets of 15–20 repetitions. Bicycle crunches can help you trim your waist and tone your midsection. Bicycle crunches demand more leg movement than traditional crunches. Including this exercise in your training programme will help you tone your stomach and eliminate visceral fat since it makes you move your body more, engaging a variety of muscle groups.

Over the next seven days, work and exercise while maintaining a healthy diet. For those of you who are just beginning your fitness journey, you’ll undoubtedly notice some significant changes in your body. Be patient with yourself; things take time to develop and do not happen overnight. By the end of this week, with the right exercise, you will undoubtedly notice a stronger core and a healthier body.

Note: In order to achieve your goals, it’s critical to supplement with the proper diet, stay away from trans fats and sugary foods, get plenty of restful sleep, and drink lots of water.


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