6 Disadvantages of Afternoon Sleep

Before we go into the 6 disadvantages of afternoon sleep, let’s first define it and how it impacts our bodies. The term “afternoon sleep” describes a quick nap taken in the early hours of the afternoon usually following lunch. It is common in many cultures, especially in warmer areas where it is regarded as an everyday activity.

Sleep is an important aspect of our every single day regimen. Our general well-being, productivity, and health all depend on getting a decent night’s sleep. Many people, particularly those who experience an afternoon slump, think that afternoon naps can make them feel refreshed and energetic. However, studies have shown that afternoon rests, especially if they are taken for a long period of time, might be harmful to your health and wellness. The 6 disadvantages of afternoon sleep and how they may influence your body and mind are discussed in this article along with some advice on how to stay alert and motivated for the entire day without afternoon sleep.

Disadvantages of Afternoon sleep

Even while a little rest might increase energy and alertness, there are 6 disadvantages of afternoon sleep that we need to be mindful of.

  1. May Develop Dependency

An excessive reliance on afternoon naps might develop into dependency. You can find it more difficult to function without a nap if you depend on them to get you throughout the day. When you feel as though you can’t function throughout the day without a nap and the nap makes it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, this can create a vicious cycle of reliance.

  1. Interfering with Sleep at Night

The major disadvantage of afternoon sleep is that they can interfere with your nocturnal sleep. If you take an afternoon nap, you might not feel as sleepy when it’s time for bed, which could make it more difficult for you to fall asleep, or you might wake up more frequently at night. This can result in a cycle of restless nights, which can make you feel exhausted and lethargic during the day. Also, sleeping in the afternoon may result in less deep sleep at night, which is harmful to your general health and wellbeing.

  1. Can impact alertness and productivity

While a quick afternoon nap might revitalize and increase productivity, lengthier naps may have the reverse impact. We could feel groggy and bewildered after waking up from a nap, which makes it challenging to concentrate and pay attention to duties. This is referred to as sleep inertia, and it may have an adverse effect on your mood and level of productivity. This is because your body experiences a normal decline in energy in the early afternoon, referred to as the “post-lunch dip.” If you nap during this time, you can have trouble waking up and might experience drowsiness and confusion for several hours later. Particularly at work, this may result in a decline in performance and productivity.

  1. Increases Obesity risk

An increase in weight is another disadvantage of afternoon sleep. Afternoon naps can cause us to be less active during the day, which lowers the number of calories we burn. Furthermore, afternoon naps may interfere with our body’s natural signs for hunger and fullness, which can result in eating too much and gaining weight.

  1. May Cause Insomnia

Afternoon sleep, particularly those taken too late in the day or for extended periods of time might cause insomnia. It’s possible that taking a nap earlier in the day contributed to your difficulty falling asleep at night. Your chances of developing depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues may increase as a result of insomnia.

  1. Enhance Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

According to research, type 2 diabetes is prone to develop in persons who regularly nap in the afternoon. This could be as a result of the fact that naps interfere with our regular sleep cycles, which can alter insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism and eventually induce insulin resistance and diabetes.(1)

Suggestions for Maintaining Alertness and Productivity Without Afternoon Sleep

Although it’s obvious that afternoon naps have disadvantages, you don’t have to accept a slump in the afternoon. The following advice can help you stay alert and productive over the entire day without having a nap:

  1. Move About

A wonderful technique to increase energy and productivity is through exercise. You can become more focused and alert by taking even a brief walk around the block.

  1. Remain hydrated

Make sure you’re drinking lots of water throughout the day because dehydration can make you feel fatigued and lethargic.

  1. Take Breaks

You can stay focused and rejuvenate by taking little breaks throughout the day. Try stretching or practicing meditation for a little while.

  1. Consume Nutritious Foods

You may feel more awake and concentrated if you consume a good, balanced diet. Ensure that you get enough protein, fibre, and good fats throughout the entire day.

  1. Take Enough Rest

Last but not least, make sure you get enough sleep at night. Most adults require 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

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Although the temptation of an afternoon nap may be appealing, it’s important to think about the potential disadvantages associated with it. There are several reasons to think twice before adopting afternoon sleep as a regular practice, including disrupted overnight sleep, decreased productivity, higher health risks, and trouble establishing habits. Instead, put more effort into keeping a regular sleep schedule and adopting other techniques, including being active and controlling stress, to increase your energy and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is it ok to sleep in afternoon?

A. Yes in the early afternoon taking a short power nap of 10-20 minutes provides energy boost and relieves stress. But avoid sleeping for 1-2 hours or in evening or late afternoon, this will affect night sleep pattern.

Q. Are there any alternatives to afternoon napping?

A. Yes, there are a number of alternatives to help you feel more energized, such as stretching, deep breathing exercises, and eating a nutritious snack. Exercising and drinking plenty of water can both help fight fatigue.

Q. Is sleeping 1-2 hours in afternoon good?

A. Sleeping for 1-2 in afternoon is not at all a good idea because it can affect night sleep pattern, lead to insomnia, affects alertness and productivity and may lead to weight gain. But 10-20 minutes nap can provide benefits.

Q. Is it okay to take a short nap during the day?

A. Yes, a short power nap of 10 to 20 minutes can be helpful for an instant energy boost and increase alertness, especially if you’re tired. 

Q. Can afternoon naps lead to weight gain?

A. Yes, afternoon sleep for long hours can lead to weight gain because, afternoon sleep can cause us to be less active during the day, which lowers the number of calories we burn. Furthermore, afternoon naps may interfere with our body’s natural signs for hunger and fullness, which can result in eating too much and gaining weight.

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